Wednesday, February 26, 1986

Feberuary 26, 1986

pay day contemporary

7*13 = 91

6*12 = 75

4*15 = 60

3*16 = 48

6*18 = 128

---> 406 - 28.82 = 377.17 in pocket

cole roberts leinwander

260 madison 17th 38/39

pat shield

perm poss.

jerry joseph


michael nomad

sweeney todds


off -= ideal


michael nomad was the roommate of philip beard, who lived at 183 christopher street. they were responsible for when i came to new york back in the 70's. but i had run into michael walking up 8th avenue. he had opened a shop in chelsea. and was doing quite well - he always was a good hairdresser. and it was good to have met him after all these years.

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