Tuesday, April 18, 2006

July 4, 1986

into red hook - bed-stuy; tony's mother is really something else. came back to jersey and watched the fireworks with tony, elaine, nida & her daughter of two. oh well. gave tony $20 ($80 bal) out to stanley's. met jim, ron, john, some 'nice' guys.

i remember going into redhook and kinda meeting his mother. i remember coming back to jersey and him spending the night. i almost could have had it when we woke up, as i saw a boner in his underwear - he wouldn't sleep nude). the thought of this is givin me a rise.

July 3, 1986

mrs racli
2 fulton st

movedout of manny's
what an experience
tony helped, bless his soul
all came out ok - tony spent the night
lent me $100


oh i remember this one good. had to get tony to help me move out of manny's. had to break in, and we took a cab, all the way into new jersey with all my stuff. it was a real wild time in my life. tony was the kid that i had a crush on over at ideal printing. he helpd me move to new jersey. and how did i get to know about that apt on fulton? i can't remember. i do know that i lived at the hotel a few blocks away from it. so i wasnt a stranger to the area. very rican. i think later on, i come to know a guy by the name of papo. there should be a lot of memories with that, and my guess is that as we progress into the latter part of 1986, we're gonna find some hair-standing stories to tell. so what are we waiting for?

June 30, 1986

lisa payne - 30.00


June 29, 1986

parade - christopher street
borrowed 5.00 tom K. (kinsey? cant be)
great time

as with all gay day activities, i take a special likening to events on account of it being my birthday an all. i always tell folx, gotta luv it when a million people march down the middle of town on my birthday.

June 28, 1986

john (czech)

i have NO idea.

June 27, 1986



got a bottle of chivas regal from "Fans in the bullben" > home right after awards

if i tried really hard, i could probably rememeber the names of most of the 'fans'... the bullpen was where potential associate lawyers would come during their summers to get on-the-job experience wihtout really getting credit for it. they were fresh from college, and a joy to work with, most of the time. my fans however, remained true right up until the time i couldnt work there any more. cant remember what happened. maybe as we progress through this diary, i'll get an answer to that.

June 26, 1986


June 25, 1986


Monday, April 17, 2006

June 24, 1986

275 mad / 40th

bill mcginty


bill mcginty was a lawyer that worked for the lawfirm, sargeant ahearn & van heemstra, who had offices at 200 park avenue in the pan am building. this goes back to 1981, when i lived with manny at 400 west 14th. since i can't place the time/date when i lived with manny by diary, i'll have to make up for it in memories like this.

manny, man parrish, was a friend who was into doing music. he had a funky lil studio in his loft on 14th street, and we met at a bar down the street, the anvil. i think i met his roommate, and we just happened to make out when i came home with him. ANYway, it was a relationship that lasted even until now. of course we had our ups and downs, and he was going through some tough times when i had it good, but now the tables are reversed, he's sittin on top of the world, while i'm laboring for scraps. anyway, um, the memories. here's a shot:

June 23, 1986

get time sheet filled out & call in hours


dont know what the M is for. its on several pages for S&C.

June 20, 1986

9:20 - 5:30 > 7

June 19, 1986

started sullivan & cromwell

was there thru contemporary. and this wasn't the permanent thing. i think that's way down the road yet.

June 18, 1986

test contemp
sullivan & cromwell
125 broad st. 28th flr.
bobbie benitz
doreen huff

12 noon

they HIRED me too. the beginning of a long relationship with a very very old law firm. mostly doing corporate stuff. i have some fond, and some not-so-fond memories of S&C.

June 17, 1986

399 park
tom lloyd
mora kirkwood
SB - 58th st ofc


SB - jane
133 e 58th st.

SB is code for staff builders. a temp agency i had a long and very well established relationship with. even made the cover of their annual report.

June 14, 1986

lost left extended wear lens.

June 13, 1986

morgan interview
1251 7th ave / 28th
julie krutzel

that was a quick interview if i remember correctly. they didn't want someone like me working in their nice pretty offices. oh well.

June 11, 1986

louie - 212.695.5588

ken chapin o/n
h 718-624-5000 x7957
w 212-242-4200

can't say that i remember either one these guys. i just called that number and it belongs to sonic branding solutions. i have no idea who they are either. and this goes back WHEY back before the internet. ken duznt work there, so i guess i can scratch that off my list.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

June 9, 1986


went out -- again --

ideal - 800

well, i knew it was coming up, and sure enoubgh, it was right before my birthday. oh well. i had hoped to have been able to look at the parade from that location. oh well.

June 7, 1986

mike millner

5 hrs

June 6, 1986

sammy --

June 5, 1986

sam adodo
66 crosby 5D

david cornier
9-5 613-0334
212 989 1344

Peter owner
west trix
43rd 10th AVe
Jeremy mix/music

June 3, 1986


39.25 * 10

YTD: 6036.25

i cant figure out why i was keeping track of YTD monies.

May 27, 1986


40 * 10
2.25 * 15


May 20, 1986


1.25 * 15



May 13, 1986


seeee? i never got fired.

May 11, 1986

christy's graduation

called carrie re: moving to new york and carlos job

what that's all about i have NO idea. i kinda remember talking to carrie about moving to new york on a number of times. this particualr one, i can't remember.

May 8, 1986



YTD: 4387.5

i guess i didnt get fired from ideal. wow. i looked ahead, and saw some more ideal days.

May 7, 1986

it's out there
and it's coming down hard

it's still up there??

May 6, 1986

manny's birthday

how to say today?
played pool las nite

o/n @ office w/eduwardo
BUSTED ON THE COUCH by lenny (ideal)

no more keys

YTD 698.21

this was the day i got busted for sleeping, and in fact, fucking, eduardo in the office. lennie about had a fit. and he had every right to be mad. he fired me of course. oh well. it was a nice stint while it lasted. but don't be fooled. i ended up working at another printer up the street some, and again, got busted in the office one morning with my trick on the couch, naked. drugs everywhere. i'm sure that'll show up later in the diary. but i'll have to mark this date as the one i want to refer to as having experienced it.

May 5, 1986

borrowed $100 work (ideal?)

May 1, 1986

cole & dietz
4 hrs
p. werin/marta kassen

April 30, 1986

contemp --
18 13.5 C&D
16 5.5 C&D

1/2 for kelly drye

243 * 8

you figure it out.

April 29,. 1986


40*10 = 400
5.5 > 216 > 281

April 28, 1986

keepin up with the jonese
keepin up with 'em all.

April 27 1986

eva's birthday (manny's sister)
O/N w/john (john who??)

cole & dietz 13.5 hrs.
jeanie cohen

April 26, 1986

cole & dietz

April 23, 1986

contemp --
10*15/150 NYC
15*18/270 KDW

37.25 IP hrs
+75 OT last week

cont. 15.5*18

to interpret these figures:

i worked at contemporary (a temp agency), and got paid $15 per hour for 10 hours that i worked at nyc law, making that portion of my check come out to $150. then kelly drye was worth $270 in the same manner. making my check $420 for the both spaces. i can't figure out what the IP hrs is. suffice it to say i was raking in the dough. god how i wish i could make that kinda money today. tnis was a solid 20 years ago. TWENTY YEARS ago.

April 22, 1986

cole & dietz
5.5 /16
mary friday

37.25 * 10

April 20, 1986

kelley drye
15 hrs

April 19, 1986

kelley drye
745 david

April 18, 1986

out - again --
john papos

heh, i wonder if he's still there.

April 17, 1985

nyc law

April 14, 1986

day off "doctor"

out with ronnie

i dont know who ronnie is. i wish i did. dont know what the HD is about either. maybe i'll get some memory about it later.

April 15, 1986

40 * 10
5 * 15


nyc law

5 hrs contemp
liSA liberatore

i remember working at nyc law. it was down by around where i used to live on 23 thames. oh those were some fun times.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

April 13.1986

day off "doctor"

out with ronnie

i dont know ronnie.

April 12, 1986

nyc law
ideal printing

for a saturday, i must have been in real demand

April 11, 1986

cole & dietz
amy siegel
5 hrs

idea 40*10; 2*15 > 430

April 7, 1986

it floats!

cant figure out what this was about. said it twice.

April6, 1986

worked 10 hrs

it floats!

April 5, 1986

worked - 6 hours
cashed check
170 manny
out - rawhide

100C - burned on 38th
20 $
O/N -- I (?)

this was a saturday night. over night at ideal i'll bet you any amount that's what it was. i was known to use my office for a quick, in the city, place to crash when i needed such. i had a couch in my office so it was comfortable. there was even a shower in the bathroom. so the only thing that was missing from the place being a full apartment was a kitchen. hopefully i'll be getting to the time i got caught. should be coming up in a month or so.

April 4, 1986

still sick --
ronnie - 232.4030


i think what happened was i got paid even tho i called in sick. that's the only way i can interpret this.

April 3, 1986

home sick from work --
food poisoning ""


?? dont know what that was about.

April 2, 1986

went out --

R - 10
rawhide --
met the artist of 20th street - WS

April 1, 1986

got sony sport FM --
crazy eddie's - $68

March 31, 1986

open up & tell me all about it
it's my right to know

i should insert some db symbol to these quotes. maybe do QOTD or something so i can catch them all.

March 29l 1986


it's time to find
something new
and take every-
thing else in stride


March 26, 1986

finally --
both printers installed

the mac is now performing

Sunday, April 09, 2006

lookin back at it

i dont know what the dates of these events are, but these are the events and the chronology as i believe them to be true.

i remember flying into kansas city, from palm springs. it would have been a return trip to kansas city as i had friends there who ran the club baths to come pick me up at the airport. i had already been a victim of a fire arson at the hotel fire in 1977/78? coates house. ya, that's it. anyway, i had been in palm springs. and that was first started when i was living in los angeles and working at the hollywood spa. and commuting to palm springs in a limosine. so, we're heading back in time now. when i first started hollywood spa, it would have been as a result of my talking to this person long distance from my office as the cab dispatcher in iowa city. he worked some telecommunications thing... oh wait. that's not right. THAT guy lived in phoenix. remember? oh yea. phoenix. gah. that was what? after? palm springs? god this is where it gets real fuzzy. there's a whole slew of stops, that included las vegas, palm springs, los angeles, san diego. gah. oooh dubble gah.

Friday, April 07, 2006

March 23, 1986

worked 12 hours again

March 22, 1986

worked 12 hours

March 17, 1986

got mac plus @ work

when the action is fast

and reaction is slow

faster than a heartbeat


HUH? what the hell was i smoking?

March 16, 1986

worked at home


manny $100- me

$100 - ideal


i remember sucking manny into helping me enter the data for ideal. he's not a typist, so it took a lot for him to enter records much. basically it was just so i could be around him more i guess.

March 15, 1986

worked at home

March 13, 1986

lost black bag.

pool tournament @ rawhide


this was a leather bag that was really great for holding all my shit, and not being something resembling a purse. a real man's bag if you will.

March 12, 1986

on payroll @ ideal

March 10, 1986

hired at ideal.


this was a job that i really enjoyed doing. spending a lot of extra hours at work doing what i thought was a bang up job. i also fell for another employee... tony. as long as i could be in the same building, much less same office space, as him, i was happy.

March 7, 1986

42.5 hours

staff - ideal


i was still working at idea under staff builders' contact

March 6, 1986

when you owe no one

not even a dime

and it's all your own

all of the time