Friday, February 22, 1991

February 22, 1991

late again --
early bed

Thursday, February 21, 1991

February 21, 1991

woke up in time --

10 lunch
5 breakfast
14 din/day
3 tok

Wednesday, February 20, 1991

February 20, 1991

800 6/2
739 - Acc

170 R
10 P
60 P
40 C
10 Pool
50 Tel
66 Cab
8 dry
250 COH
659 / -80

410 COH 1815

confirmed SBC - >> 3/23
oops -0-
home @ 4ish

Tuesday, February 19, 1991

February 19, 1991

chadbourne & park
30 rock
tim kniesin

10:30-1:30 4.0

Saturday, February 16, 1991

February 16, 1991

cleaned --

made chili

Friday, February 15, 1991

February 15, 1991

my letter to bill mundt
delivered - consensus
supported -- found bag

"divine intentions
human limitations"

Thursday, February 14, 1991

February 14, 1991

918 1/2 N. Fed.
Mason City 50401

can you believe it?

spent 50% of day at newark's airport for mundt's lost bag. what a trip
called carrie

Wednesday, February 13, 1991

February 13, 1991

PD TC 198 --
PD 60 R - 70 CR
another good day
don't want to leave

229 COH 1622

out early
to explain: got paid by temp connections $198
paid 60 in rent - got 70 in credit
$229 cash on hand
went out early (before midnight) and spent 40 on coke

Tuesday, February 12, 1991

February 12, 1991

another great one
ann called --
USA requested me
couldn't (2wks)
Pd ACC 413
9 haricut
5 lunch
12 dr/tok
60 P
200 R
126 COH
1 beer

out --
good boy

Saturday, January 26, 1991

January 26, 1991

an almost embarrassed to start to write anything. the war is nearly in full force. have visions on how it will end.l even nightmares. really. work is sporadic spots at best. DTP; discovered prism. not the same energy level, tired?

mummies of the past nearly haunt me. gotta laugh about it tho. oh well. (0158)

Friday, January 18, 1991

January 18, 1991

up at 1300 +
uptown w/louie > split
aft 1600

45+ COH 1800

Fuck me again

Wednesday, January 16, 1991

January 16, 1991

1st bombing in iraq

staying overnight at albert's
worked at USA Network, 1230 6th Ave.

went out to rawhide.

the diary mentions a lot of willie. i can't put a face to the guy, but i obviously liked him. staying overnight at his house, and inviting him out to dinner. this was more than a simple jump in the hay with this guy. and i still can't put a face to him. oh well. rawhide was the neighborhood bar in chelsea, in manhattan. i went there the first day it opened, and had made it my home bar for a number of years. i probably spent enough in there to fund an army. the bartenders always had a jack and a splash with a twist.

but i remember hearing about the bombing walking up 8th avenue in the early evening, wondering to myself just how far this war was going to go. never would i have dreamt that fifteen years later the whole country would be consumed with iraq. but enough politics. back to my life.